Do You Add Coolant to Radiator or Reservoir?

Regardless of your car model, sometimes your coolant level will drop so much that you need to add some more to keep your engine running smoothly and safely. But, what determines whether you add coolant to your radiator or reservoir? If your vehicle has a radiator reservoir, it is usually best to add the coolant …

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Brake Pedal Goes to Floor But No Leaks: Why?

Statistics have shown that soft brakes constitute a hazard to both you and other road users as they make slowing down your car (and stopping) much harder. So, naturally, if your brake pedal has to reach the floor before your vehicle slows down, then you shouldn’t be driving that car. Ideally, your brake pedal should …

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Is It Normal for Coolant Level to Drop?

Coolant level dropped.

The primary purpose of your engine coolant is to keep the engine temperature low on hot days and increase in extremely cold temperatures. But should your coolant level do down while it goes about its duties? The answer is yes. You should expect some drop (although minimal) in your coolant level when your engine reaches …

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Knocking Noise When Braking at Low Speeds 

Checking the brake knocking noise in car repair workshop.

Whenever your brakes make a knocking noise, it is never a pleasant experience to be driving around your area. If you hear odd sounds coming from your brakes, this is a warning sign that something is wrong, and you should get it checked out by an expert. Driving about with faulty brakes is never a …

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What Happens When An Oil Pump Fails?

Repairing the oil pump leaking and loss of power to pump the oil to engine parts.

Oil pump is the very heart of your car’s lubrication system. The oil pump sucks oil from the oil pan and then forces it around the engine’s oilways. It is an internal combustion engine’s component that circulates engine oil to the camshaft, rotating bearings, and pistons. Hence, its role in lubricating all these engine components …

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Best Battery Chargers for Diesel Truck

Different models of battery charges that suitable to boost your diesel truck battery power.

I was reading through a forum the other day, and one question that kept on popping up was all about why diesel trucks have two batteries. The answer is quite apparent—the diesel engine has higher compression and resistance than gas engines. Thus, it needs more power to get it started. Having a higher compression ratio …

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