April 14, 2022

Most front-wheel-drive cars are equipped with CV joints connected to the ends of the drive shaft. There are two kinds of CV joints: one with a ball joint on the external and one with a tripod joint on the internal. In your car’s suspension system, these joints play a vital role in how well and how comfortably you can drive. For vehicles with defective CV joints, noise from the CV joints may be heard while going straight or navigating turns.
This flaw makes it challenging and inconvenient to drive because of the discomfort it causes. Continue reading this article to learn more about the possible reasons for your poor CV joint, which will assist you in performing a fault check and resolving the issue. Changing your CV axle’s boots or replacing the whole CV axle are both simple fixes that you will learn how to do.
6 Major Causes CV Joint Noise While Driving Straight
The presence of noise coming from your CV joint while driving straight or making quick maneuvers indicates that your joint is problematic. However, it does not necessarily mean that it is wholly damaged since there are a variety of variables that may influence the functioning of your joints. Some of the reasons why your joint is producing those irritating noises are as follows:
1) Loose Joints
A loose joint causes the noise you hear while you are turning. When your vehicle is running over rugged terrain, the components underneath it shake, causing the noise to be heard. As a response, everything, including the joints, shifts away from its original positions. Once they are unfastened, they make much noise when moving.
2) Faulty CV Boots
Having damaged, ripped, or cracked boots is a recurring occurrence with your CV joints. Due to oil leaking out of damaged boots, your CV joint will wear out much more quickly and may even stop functioning altogether if there is no lubrication or presence of corrosion. It may create a buildup of dirt on your joint. Another impact that progressively deteriorates your joint is the CV joint, which is likewise polluted with debris.
Any time grease is seen dripping out of your CV boot, and it means you have a damaged boot or CV joint. Severe damage to your drive wheel will reveal oil on the inner surface of your rim and in the areas of your steering wheel. Due to the CV axle’s rotation, leakage may reach various components of your car, along with the chassis. When moving quickly or making abrupt turns, any of these factors can produce CV joint noise. When executing maneuvers at high speed, the noise level rises. Continuing to drive with a defective CV joint may result in the total destruction of your CV joint.
3) Boot Clamps that have been Damaged
Boot clamps are responsible for keeping your CV boots in place. By using these clamps, you will be able to save your CV joint protected from any outside elements. CV boots that are unfastened from the CV joint may accumulate debris because of defective boot clamps. It will create a clunk in the inner CV joint, resulting in sounds coming from your CV joint as you drive.
To avoid further damage to your joint, you should inspect the boot area, the entire boot, and also any clamps that may be causing a clunking or squeaking sound.
4) Aging
Over time, a wheel’s joints and axles’ steering noise will become a nuisance. You will feel this since the joints are damaged out and in need of repair. Every mechanical component will ultimately wear out and need to be replaced, so this is quite natural. Despite their robustness and long lifespan, they will eventually wear out and need to be replaced.
5) Deficiency in Lubrication
Due to increased friction caused by improperly lubricated CV joints, your CV axle will become immobile and will not be able to turn freely. The insufficient lubrication of your CV joints may cause your joints to produce noise every time the axle begins to rotate. It signifies that whenever you drive your car, you will hear inner CV joint sounds. With increased speed, the noise becomes more audible. When traveling at a low speed, and you will not hear the noise.
6) Binding
Opening the boot and looking at the axle may reveal this issue, which can be very noticeable. As dust and debris enter the joint, it will get entangled in the moving components of the joint. It will bind the axle, limiting the movement or making it difficult to spin the wheel entirely around. It will be more difficult for the axle to move, which will result in more noise while you are driving.
How to Fix or Prevent CV Joint Noise
Preventative maintenance is preferable to corrective maintenance when it comes to automotive issues. However, the following are some of the most effective things you can take to reduce the likelihood of joint noise while driving:
The Boot Must Be Replaced
One of the most common sources of noise is boot damage, as previously stated. Inspecting the area will allow you to determine whether or not this is the issue. Given the fact that it is durable, this rubber breaks down with time. After 80,000 kilometers, it is usually time for a new one. To begin, cut and remove the old clamp so that you may install the new one. Next, disengage the inner race from the splines and pull the boot out in its entirety. Otherwise, clean it and use the new boot instead of replacing the joint.
Ensure that the Joints are Lubricated
Adding oil or lubrication may also be a short-term solution. By doing this, the connections will be smoother, resulting in less noise from component-to-component contact. Generally speaking, the lesser the noise is generated by joints, the better. Keep your CV joints lubricated by using the proper lubricants. It is possible to get some of the best greases for severe pressure in a product that has components designed for high-load applications. In order to maintain lubricating the joints even under extreme conditions, the products must have great stability.
Replace the CV Joint If Necessary
Keep in mind that you cannot repair a CV joint under any circumstances. All that has to be fixed is the boot itself, which is made of flexible material. You must replace this joint component; otherwise, the car will not accelerate.
When you have a damaged CV joint and are driving, you run the risk of getting into dangerous circumstances. If you see any warning indications indicating your vehicle’s CV joint is failing, you should fix it right away. Understanding these indications and symptoms will make it possible to detect a failing CV joint early on, thus avoiding costly repairs.