April 24, 2024

Unlike other perishable food products, tires are not tagged with an expiry date. To know its degradation rate, there are various factors to be carefully looked into. But, have you ever noticed the four-digit number that is stamped on its sidewalls? These numbers tell us the specific week and the year to which these tires were made. This information is extremely relevant the most, especially when purchasing a used bike. Thus, paying less attention to it is a no-no.
A motorcycle tire must not go beyond half a decade old. That’s the rule of the thumb and general knowledge, I may say. According to experts, tires can be as good as dead five years after its manufacturing date. But then, you may stretch this out for five more years.
Factors Affecting Motorcycle Tire’s Lifespan
I hope that I had made myself clear of the five-year rule. That in mind, I expect that you won’t feel bad if you get a tire that has been manufactured for some years ago. You know for a fact that there remains a good deal left in it. So, buckle up and go crazy because there is an exciting adventure that awaits you in the next few miles.
There are a couple of things that you must completely understand to know the life span of a motorcycle tire. To get to know what these factors are, read on.
Handling and Usage
Data on TireReviews reveals that a sport bike’s front tire can last up to 3700 miles. On the other hand, it calls for a change tire once your sport bike’s rear tires reach an 1800-mile limit. In most cases, proper maintenance and regular tire check do the trick.
When it comes to the durability of bike tires, there are no such things as fast and hard rules.
First, check whether or not your bike’s pair of tires have tread. As long as your motorcycle tire’s thread depth falls between 1/32 and 2/32, you are good to go. There’s nothing to worry about federal regulations. By this time, you should have known that the middle of your bike’s tire wears out first because it gets the greatest contact to the road surfaces while you are riding your motorcycle on the road.
Tire Defects
Aside from the tires’ age and its tread, some more factors affect the performance of the motorcycle tires. General defects must be taken into consideration. At some point or another, you might find some dry rots in the sidewalls of your motorcycle tires. It seems to look like it cracks along the tires’ sides. So, once you have this on your tires, a replacement must be done immediately. Do you want to have an idea of why these rots exist? Here’s the catch. The more exposed your bike is to sunlight, the bigger tendency it gets to have dry rot. So, expect that rain warriors are less likely to have this tire problem as compared to desert rats that go on an adventure under the scorching sun.
The side of your bike’s wheels deserves equal attention with the rest of its parts. The more time you spent riding your bikes, the more oddly square-looking your wheels could be. Your tires are experiencing wear and tear. When this happens, a tire replacement is needed.
Other Reasons To Replace Your Motorcycle Tires:
Replace your motorcycle tires the moment it reaches its expiration date. I guess I have said it a couple of times earlier, haven’t I?
Unfortunately, most people don’t do this.
There are times that motorcycle owners are compelled to change their bike’s tires even before its 5th year. Below are some known reasons behind it.
Tread Wear
As I mentioned earlier, the tread of a motorcycle’s tire is important because it pushes away water on the surfaces and holds on all types of road surfaces. The moment that this tread starts wearing, you are at risk of road accidents. Bear in mind that the acceptable tire tread depth is at 0.8 millimeters or 2/32″. Consider tire replacement if it falls short of such a limit.
Tire Puncture
Seeing a flat tire? You’ve got no other option but to change it. You are a typical motorcycle rider if you have a puncture kit with you. This can help you get to a mechanic shop nearby to request for a new tire. Never put your own safety on the line by riding with a punctured tire.
Dry rots, on the other hand, mean tire replacement. It is imperative to check your motorcycle before driving it somewhere. Above all, the tires need to be inspected. Any crack on the tire side demands an immediate replacement.
Strange Feeling
Most motorcycle riders check their motorcycle tires by pressing them with their bare hands. I must say that this is one of the most effective ways of checking the tires. Moreover, taking the motorcycle for a short ride is another way to check for any abnormal sensation like vibration and pulsation coming from the tire.
Uneven tires are caused by under and over-inflation. Make sure to air up your motorcycle tires sufficiently. Failure to do so can make it more vulnerable to excessive wear on either its center or its sides. Regular tire check helps- a lot.
Loss of Pressure
Like checking the tire for possible inflation, have its pressure checked from time to time. As you do so, don’t feel bad if you notice your tires losing pressure. Possibly, the bead is worn out.
Tires, as compared to other motorcycle parts, cannot defy the damages caused by constant sun exposure. Cracks on its tread or along its sidewalls are to be expected once it is overexposed to direct sun heat.
How to Keep the Tires in Perfect Shape Longer?
Tire replacement can give you a headache. Though it is a usual thing when we speak of motorcycle riding, there are a couple of things that you do to keep away from it (but not for good). Keep your tires in good shape. Here is how.
Have the tire pressure checked regularly. Make sure to inflate the tires sufficiently before taking it for a ride. Over-inflation makes them prone to cut and tire puncture. On the other hand, under-inflation builds up excess heat on the rubbers resulting in a tire blowout.
However, there are times when tire replacement is needed even before its expiry date. It happens when you notice cuts, punctures, tear and wear, and cuts on them.