June 11, 2021

Several decades ago, the idea of magnetizing the tip of the screwdriver had not yet dawned on the minds of those who were manufacturing screwdrivers. Hence, those who were using screwdrivers before always had a hard time picking up or searching for loose screws and screws that had fallen. Gone were those days, for, at present, most screwdrivers for sale on the market are already magnetic. Yet, despite the availability of magnetic screwdrivers, there are still some screwdrivers in use today which are non-magnetic. Hence, there are still those who use non-magnetic, and these users would surely find it hard to reach into tight corners. They would also find it hard to pull out the screw from deeply drilled holes.
If you’re one of those people who are still not able to avail of or buy a magnetic screwdriver, you can follow these simple methods on how to magnetize your screwdriver. One approach is by wiring your screwdriver to a battery. The other way is by simply using a magnet to magnetically charge the tip of your screwdriver. However, if you want to magnetize your screwdriver, you can follow some simple steps on how to magnetize a non-magnetic screwdriver. But first, it would be good to know the advantages of using a magnetic screwdriver.
Reasons Why You Should Magnetize Your Screwdrivers
All screwdrivers ideally should be magnetic. But since not all screwdrivers in use are magnetic, there are ways to magnetize your non-magnetic screwdriver. You can surely tinker with your non-magnetic screwdrivers and apply a bit of simple physics to turn them into magnetic ones. This process of magnetizing your screwdriver usually only takes a couple of minutes. Afterward, you will never have to worry about falling screws or losing some screws because your screwdriver is not magnetic.
Steps On Magnetize Your Screwdrivers
The tools and materials you would use to turn non-magnetic screwdrivers into magnetic include the following: Neodymium or rare earth magnet, screwdriver, and clean cloth or rag. Here are the simple steps that you need to follow to turn your screwdriver into a magnetic screwdriver:
Step 1: Choose the Kind of Magnet You would Use.
You should choose a powerful magnet when magnetizing your screwdriver, and your best option is a strong bar magnet. Always remember that the stronger the magnet is, the better it is in magnetizing your screwdriver. The ideal magnet is the neodymium magnet. You can also use other rare-earth magnets that could generate a pull force of at least 1/4 pound. You can buy these types of the magnet at the nearest hardware store. You can also buy these magnets online.
Step 2: Prep your screwdriver and Magnet and Clean Cloth.
Once you have found the ideal magnet to magnetize your screwdriver, you can then set down the magnet on top of your work table. Make sure that you place it somewhere where there is no interference. At the onset, you should carefully clean the screwdriver’s shaft and tip. This is to ensure that you would get the desired result afterward. You should use a clean and dry cloth to wipe the dirt and debris from the screwdriver’s shaft and tip. You can dampen the rag a bit so that it can thoroughly clean the tip and shaft. Then, let the shaft and tip dry.
Step 3: Time to Magnetize the Screwdriver
Pick up the screwdriver and hold it with your right hand and the magnet with your left hand. Slowly slide the magnet along the metal shaft of the screwdriver from the handle to tip using a continuous motion. Repeat this movement several times using one direction. Then, you should twist the tool a quarter turn and repeat the abovementioned movement. Go on with that quarter turn and stroking movement and repeat it four times. The more strokes you do and the more ferrous the tool has, the better and more powerful your screwdriver would be magnetized.
Step 4: Repeat the Stroking Process
To align the molecules of iron within the screwdriver, you merely need to repeat the stroking process towards the same direction. After several passes, you would find that your screwdriver is already magnetized. As you repeat these unidirectional strokes, you strengthen the magnetism in your tool. Avoid dragging the magnet back for this will readily undo the magnetic field that you have built around your tool.
Step 5: Test the Tool
The best way to test the magnetic pull of your screwdriver is to let it magnetize a screw. Find a loose screw and try to magnetize it using the tip of your screwdriver. Lift the screw using your screwdriver and figure out how strong the pull of your magnetic screwdriver is. If you prefer a stronger pull, you can simply repeat the abovementioned process.
Additional Tips:
If you were successful in following the abovementioned steps, you would find that your screwdriver will stay magnetic for at least three months. If you drop your screwdriver accidentally, the magnetic capability of your screwdriver will be weakened. The best way to demagnetize your screwdriver, however, is to stroke it along the magnet in a reverse manner from tip to handle. If you don’t want to keep your screwdriver magnetized after completing your task, you can simply undo the process by reversing the process. You can again magnetize your screwdriver if you are going to use it again by performing the abovementioned steps on how to turn your tool into a magnetic one.