What Are Welding Rods Made of?

A pack of welding rod.

The rod that creates the metal bead is called the “welding electrode.” Using an electrical current, the welding electrode can be used to make welding metal beads. The welding electrode is made of two different parts, namely:  The actual metal  The flux coating The actual metal out of which the electrode is made can be any of …

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Slag Inclusion In Welding

Causes and examples of slag inclusion when welding.

In some welding processes, a byproduct called welding slag will often form together with the welding results. But, sometimes, it might cause slag inclusions in welding if the welder was unable to handle the welding process properly. It is a type of clear and glasslike material that is formed due to flux materials melting in or on …

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7.3 Powerstroke: Engines, Performance & Issues

Engine and different models of 7.3 Powerstroke trucks.

Ford Motor Company has been producing great trucks, both light and heavy, for consumers. These trucks are equipped with powerful engines. And one of the popular diesel engines for Ford’s trucks is called “Power stroke engines.” Power stroke refers to a term used to refer to a diesel engine made for Ford’s trucks since the …

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Fillet Weld: Symbols, Notations, and Guidelines

An Engineer is inspecting and measuring the accuracy of the fillet weld.

Welding symbols and drawings are essential for learning and understanding the correct way of welding. In the case of fillet welding, the drawings and symbols and their correct interpretations are critical to learning the basics of fillet welding. Your correct interpretations of these drawings and symbols can make it convenient for you to control the …

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Bad CV Axle Vibration: Causes, Symptoms & Solutions

Inspecting the condition of CV axle.

One of the essential components of a vehicle is the Constant Velocity (CV) Axle. The CV axles transfer power to the wheels. The power, of course, comes from the transmission and differential of the vehicles. This transfer of power, in turn, makes it possible for the vehicle to drive forward. The CV axles have joints …

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